Every Granite Stater deserves access to reasonably-priced, affordable energy. Yet energy prices are skyrocketing, and Granite Staters are getting hit ESPECIALLY hard with obscenely expensive electric bills. Many Salem families are even seeing their energy bills double. Unsurprisingly, New Hampshire has become one of the worst states in the country for accessing affordable electricity. Our current elected leaders in Concord have completely FAILED to prepare our state for the present energy crisis. One of the main reasons why New Hampshire is getting hit harder than other states is that our state has an extremely un-diversified energy base; we are heavily reliant on a relatively small handful of energy sources. As your State Representative, I will make it my top priority to diversify New Hampshire’s energy portfolio with cheaper, alternative sources of energy. Investing in low-cost renewables in particular will simultaneously reduce energy costs AND decrease our emissions output. Right now, New Hampshire has the lowest renewable energy target in the region—a pitiful 25%. I will fight to raise those targets. By diversifying our energy base, we will drive down your energy bill, make our energy base more INDEPENDENT, create a cleaner grid, and ensure that Granite State families are NOT affected by the same extreme electricity price shocks ever again.